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Jenna Lourenco, M.F.A.

is a professional performer, costume designer, director, and lecturer in Theater Arts & Speech at Emmanuel College in Boston, MA. She recently completed an M.F.A. in Theatre Education & Applied Theatre at Emerson College. 


Jenna's academic research currently focuses upon the representation of Autism and neurodivergence in performance within the wider framework of disability studies. Currently, Jenna is conducting a qualitative research study on the accessibility of theatrical working environments and cultures for autistic theatre makers from all disciplines. (see Current Research above for more information)


She has also explored the influence of mythology on gender performance in Irish drama.


Jenna was the 2021 recipient of the Graduate Dean's Award for the School of the Arts for her M.F.A. thesis on the representation of Autism in theatre. 


Jenna was also the 2011 recipient of the Graduate Dean's Award from Emerson College for her M.A. thesis on the works of Marina Carr. 

Jenna's theatrical and academic projects tend to focus on historic and cultural representations, including Irish drama, the Salem Witch Trials, and accent/dialect work.

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